Let us say, we have an user with role "Budget Clerk". He will have access to the form Budget register entry. The highlighted button " Update ledger balance" on the form shown in screenshot can be accessed by the user with current role.
Now, lets us assume that, we need to remove access to the button " Update ledger balance" for the user with same role but to have rest of the form access as it is.
Below are the simple steps to be followed to achieve this requirement.
1. Create a new privilege.
2. Add the Display Menu item associated to the form to the Entry point node available on the privilege.
3. Under the form control permissions node Right-Click and select New form.
4. Go to properties and select the form name on the "Name" property.
5. Right-Click and select New control to add the form control name which is required to be restricted on the form.
Note:- Even if the role has a privilege which will have delete access to the form and its control, The new privilege we added with No access permission will take higher priority and the control will be restricted for the use.
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