Created by: Jeff Grant - Sr Support Engineer
Many of the most common questions to the Dynamics GP Payables support desk involve the PM20100 table and how it affects check processing and printing. The purpose of this blog is to share some insight on this table and highlight the most common inquires we have on it.
Q. What is the PM20100 table?
The PM20100 is the PM Apply To OPEN Table for the Payables Module (PM) of Dynamics GP. This is a table to simply hold apply or remittance information to be printed on the next check stub.
Q. What is the purpose of the PM20100 table?
The PM20100 will link Payment information for PM Payments in open status to open PM Invoices. This table is a temporary holding table until the Payment information is allowed to display (print) on a check in Dynamics GP. The PM10200 is the PM Apply Work table and the PM30300 is the PM Apply History table.
Q. When will PM20100 information be removed?
The Payment record will be removed from the PM20100 once it has been printed on a check. Once the information is printed on the next check stub, it will be removed from this table.
Q. When will PM20100 information remain?
The PM20100 apply information will remain in the PM20100 table if this remittance information has not been displayed on a printed check. This remittance information can remain in this table indefinitely if no future check is issued to the vendor.
EFT payments and manual check payments will remain in this table indefinitely until they have been printed onto a check in a future check run - or - they have been cleared out with SQL scripting.
These type of payments are stored as a REMITTANCE record (KEYSOURC field) in the PM20100 table and will appear in future Check Runs created from the Select Checks process when ‘Print Previously Applied’ documents is selected for a check run containing such Vendor.
For example, if you pay a lone $25 invoice for a Vendor with a $25 manual payment in GP the PM20100 will maintain this apply record. If you generate a payment batch in Select Checks for the same vendor with ‘Print Previously Applied’ selected (and no new invoices have been entered) it will create a “zero dollar” check to the Vendor. This occurs as it is the first opportunity the system has had to present the information on a physical check. Once this payment is posted the PM20100 will clear.
Q. What are the most common support issues seen in regards to PM20100?
As many users do not want to see a “zero dollar” check printed or past manual/EFT payments appear on a future printed check they clear the PM20100 of the REMITTANCE values prior to the check run. This is done with SQL scripting or a SQL job set to run on a scheduled basis.
This process is described in more detail in the following Knowledgebase articles:
860395 - Information about how manual payments, credit memos, and returns appear on the check stub and when they are removed from the PM20000 table and from the PM20100 table when you run the Select Checks process in Microsoft Dynamics GP
855957 How to prevent zero dollar remittances from printing in Payables Management in Microsoft Dynamics GP
Other inquiries we have are on reporting options associated with the table as users want to build reporting that will show a check number/invoice connection.
As the PM20100 table is basically a ‘temporary’ item we do not recommend linking it to any ‘historical’ PM reporting as it is likely not to contain any information after the post. You will want to use PM30300 (PM History Apply) only if creating such a report. Good reports can be built from PM20100 but they would be for open docments only (presenting Check Batch information prior to posting for example).
The following article outlines a common inquiry on reporting options after a post:
856280 - Information about the Check Remittance report in Payables Management in Microsoft Dynamics GP
Another common issue is when recovering from a PM Posting interruption the Check Links process is performed on the Payables Transaction Logical and History Logical tables to put the associated PM data into their correct table location. Often fully processed payments will not move via Check Links from the PM20000 (PM Open) to the PM30200 (PM History) series if the associated vendor has alternate record(s) in place in the PM20100 series. In this case we would recommend removing the PM20100 record with SQL only if it is a REMITTANCE record, which should allow Check Links to move the history document successfully afterward.
Q. What are the field contents of the PM20100?
The most current build of PM20100 (Dynamics GP 2013 R2) contains the following fields:
KEYSOURC – Key Source: System generated value, if it is a manual or EFT payment the content will be ‘REMITTANCE’.
DOCDATE – Document Date of the payment.
TIME1 – Time: Time the record was written, usually NULL.
VENDORID – Vendor ID associated with the payment.
POSTED – Indicates whether the distribution is for a posted transaction or not.
BCHSOURC – Batch Source: A string value indicating the batch source for the transactions in the batch.
USERID – User ID: often empty or NULL.
APTVCHNM – Apply To Voucher Number: the Voucher Number the payment record is applied to.
APTODCTY – Apply To Document Type: Often set to 0, only used for distributions generated by applying documents. 1 = Invoice, 2 = Finance Charge, 3 = Misc Charge, 4 = Return, 5 = Credit Memo, 6 = Payment.
APTODCDT – Apply To Document Date: Date the payment is applied.
APTODCNM – Apply To Document Number: the Document Number the payment record is applied to.
APPLDAMT – Applied Amount: the amount applied for the line.
DISTKNAM – Discount Taken Amount: amount of discount taken with the payment.
DISAVTKN – Discount Available Taken: the total amount of discounts available that have been taken.
WROFAMNT – Write Off Amount: Write Off amount included with a payment.
CURNCYID – Currency ID: Currency ID the payment was created in.
CURRNIDX – Currency Index: Currency Index the payment was created in.
ORAPPAMT – Originating Applied Amount: amount applied in transaction currency.
ORDISTKN – Originating Discount Taken Amount: Discount Taken in transaction currency.
ORDATKN – Originating Discounts Available Taken: Discount Available in transaction currency.
ORWROFAM – Originating Write Off Amount: Write Off taken in transaction currency.
Apply_To_Document_Amount – Apply To Document Amount.
Apply_To_Orig_Doc_Amount – Apply To Originating Doc Amount.
Apply_To_Discount_Date – Apply To Discount Date.
Apply_To_Due_Date – Apply To Due Date.
Apply_To_Description – Apply To Description.
Apply_To_IS_MC_Trx – Apply To is MC Trx: indicates if apply to document is not in functional currency.
ApplyToGLPostDate – Apply To GL Posting Date: can be referenced in ATB reporting.
APTOEXRATE – Exchange Rate of the Apply to Document.
APTODENRATE – Denomination Exchange Rate of the apply to document.
APTORTCLCMETH – Rate Calculation Method of the apply to document.
APTOMCTRXSTT – Transaction State of the apply to document, usually NULL.
ISMCTRX – Is Multicurrency Transaction: 1=Yes, not present in PM30300.
VCHRNMBR – Voucher Number: the Voucher Number of the associated payment record.
DOCTYPE – Document Type: usually 6 for Payment.
APFRDCNM – Document Number of the Apply From document.
FROMCURR – Currency ID of the Apply From document.
Apply_From_Document_Amou – Document Amount of Apply From document.
Apply_From_Orig_Doc_Amou – Originating Document Amount of Apply From document.
APFRMAPLYAMT – Functional Apply Amount of the Apply From document.
APFRMDISCTAKEN – Functional Discount Taken Amount of the Apply From document.
APFRMDISCAVAIL – Functional Discount Available Taken of the Apply From document,
APFRMWROFAMT – Functional Write Off Amount of the Apply From document,
ActualApplyToAmount – Actual Apply To Amount: originating currency.
ActualDiscTakenAmount – Actual Discount Taken Amount: originating currency.
ActualDiscAvailTaken – Actual Discount Available Taken: originating currency.
ActualWriteOffAmount – Actual Write Off Amount: originating currency.
APFRMEXRATE – Apply From Exchange Rate: Exchange Rate of the apply from document.
APFRMDENRATE – Denomination Exchange Rate of the Apply From document.
APFRMRTCLCMETH – Calculation Method of the Apply From document.
APFRMMCTRXSTT – Muliticurrency Transaction State of the apply from document; usually NULL.
Apply_From_Description – Apply From Description; usually NULL.
Apply_From_IS_MC_Trx – Apply From document is a Multicurrency document.
PPSAMDED – The amount of PPS deducted during the apply of a Return or Credit Memo document.
GSTDSAMT – The amount of GST discount taken during the apply of a Return or Credit Memo document.
TAXDTLID – The tax detail that the tax amount on the distribution should be posted to.
UPDTKNAM – Unposted Discount Taken Amount.
UPGSTDAM – Unposted GST Discount Amount.
UNPPPSAD – Unposted PPS Amount Deducted.
UPWROFAM – Unposted Write Off Amount.
PMDSTMSG – Used for tracking general transaction error messages during edit lists and posting.
MODIFDT – Most current Modified Date.
MDFUSRID – User ID of Last Modified User (referenced in Project).
POSTEDDT – Posted Date: Used for recurring batches, records last date the transaction was posted.
PTDUSRID – User ID: Used for recurring batches, records the last user to post transaction.
TEN99AMNT – 1099 Dollar Amount: used for 1099 statements for 1099 Vendors only.
RLGANLOS – Realized Gain-Loss Amount: records gain/loss from PM apply activity.
APYFRMRNDAMT – Round Amount of Apply From document.
APYTORNDAMT – Round Amount of Apply To document.
APYTORNDDISC – Round Discount of Apply To document.
XCHGRATE – Exchange Rate: rate used to translate amounts from an originating to functional currency (for Multicurrency Transactions only).
DECPLCUR – Number of Decimal Places to be used for a particular currency. Note: this value will be the decimal setting less one (1 = 0, 2 = 1, 3 = 2, 4 = 3, 5 = 4, 6 = 5).
RATECALC – Rate Calculation Method: Denomination Exchange Rate
Payment_To_Print_On_Stub – Payment To Print On Stub.
OAPYFRMRNDAMT – Originating Apply From Round Amount.
OAPYTORNDAMT – Originating Apply To Round Amount.
OAPYTORNDDISC – Originating Apply To Round Discount.
Settled_Gain_CreditCurrT – Settled Gain of Current Credit Transaction.
Settled_Loss_CreditCurrT – Settled Loss of Current Credit Transaction.
Settled_Gain_DebitCurrTr – Settled Gain of Current Debit Transaction.
Settled_Loss_DebitCurrTr – Settled Loss of Current Debit Transaction.
Settled_Gain_DebitDiscAv – Settled Gain of Discount Available Debit Transaction.
Settled_Loss_DebitDiscAv – Settled Loss of Discount Available Debit Transaction.
VADCDTRO – Vendor Address Code – Remit To: when an EFT invoice is entered this field is populated to record the remit-to Address ID information for the invoice.
Credit1099Amount – Credit 1099 Amount: holds credit amount information for 1099 vendors.
DEFTEN99TYPE – 1099 Type: holds 1099 Type information for 1099 report.
DEFTEN99BOXNUMBER – 1099 Box Number: holds box number for 1099 report.
I hope this document helps shed some light on the general use and purpose of the PM20100 table. As the Select Checks process is set to remain intact for upcoming versions of Dynamics GP, any current SQL activities and reporting designed around the content of the PM20100 should be also be valid for future releases.
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