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Integration Patterns for Dataverse | Nov 6, 2023


In this session we'll be focusing on the Dataverse integration patterns and deep dive in the Dataverse-based application specific challenges and recommendations. 


00:00 Intro 

00:31 TechTalk Series 

01:24 Agenda 

01:53 Dataverse inbound integrations 

07:11 Processing an incoming message 

13:23 Demo 

15:42 Bulk import of records from a database table 

18:56 Embed external data in model-driven apps 

19:38 Dataverse outbound integration 

21:40 Dataverse plugins for outbound integration 

31:20 Low-code publish Dataverse plugin execution context to Azure Service Bus queue 

36:14 Dataverse webhooks 

37:28 Consume webhooks with Azure function 

40:06 Dataverse Business Events 

43:48 Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse 

46:00 Conclusion 

46:46 Resources 

49:35 Q&A 

51:10 Closing comments



Corina Balan –  
Michele Mazzucco –  
Ali Adamu –  


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  • Reza Alirezaei Profile Picture Reza Alirezaei
    Posted at
    Integration Patterns for Dataverse | Oct 12, 16, 2023
    Please fix the Presentation download error. 
  • acopde Profile Picture acopde
    Posted at
    Integration Patterns for Dataverse | Oct 12, 16, 2023
    Same here, presentation can't be downloaded...
  • Diego Pecharroman Profile Picture Diego Pecharroman
    Posted at
    Integration Patterns for Dataverse | Oct 12, 16, 2023
    PDF presentation can not be download it generates a 406 error. Could you reupload the file?