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Naveen Ganeshe - Community Spotlight

I am a Microsoft Certified Consultant, Trainer and Solution Architect with 9+ years of experience in designing, developing, and implementing complex business solutions. With expertise in multiple Dynamics 365 modules, including Sales, Customer Service, Field Service, and Marketing, I have successfully led numerous projects for clients across various industries, providing them with tailored solutions that meet their unique business requirements. I also developed expertise in Power Platform, Power Automate, Power Apps, and Power BI, which complemented my knowledge of Dynamics 365 and enabled me to create comprehensive solutions.

My first few years as a Dynamics 365 Consultant were spent working on small projects, where I developed a deep understanding of the platform's capabilities and the needs from clients. I worked with clients across various industries, including manufacturing, retail, and healthcare, and helped them optimize their business processes using Dynamics 365.


After a few years, I assigned to larger and more complex projects. I led teams of developers and analysts, and collaborated with stakeholders to ensure successful project delivery. I furthermore expanded my knowledge of the platform, staying up-to-date with the latest releases and developments.

Today, I keep learning new things and have a proven track record of delivering successful projects for clients in a wide range of industries. I am very passionate about helping organizations leverage the full potential of Dynamics 365 and other Microsoft technologies to achieve their goals and drive growth.

"Committed to Contribute" is the phrase that comes to my mind when I think of community. The Dynamics 365  Community is an invaluable asset for those who are engaged with the platform. It creates an environment for collective learning, growth, collaboration, knowledge sharing, and support, enabling us to expand our knowledge and expertise. 

Naveen Ganeshe - Solution Architect

We are excited to recognize Naveen as our March 2023 Community Spotlight honoree! Naveen has been a valuable contributor of suggested and verified answers in the forums, and we appreciate the teamwork!

Follow Naveen in the Dynamics 365 community and connect on LinkedIn.




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