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Session Id : pvNIt3G/xcNTmIykUwaGXd

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2023 Upgrade Blog Series Schedule

Terry R Heley Profile Picture Terry R Heley Microsoft Employee
OH!  Where did the summer go?  Way too fast for me, but then again, as you know, this is my favorite time of year!
It is time to start thinking about year-end and how to plan for upgrades that will include the October 2023 Release!!
With our Upgrade Blog Series this is your one-stop-shop for upgrades over the next few months.
We are still mulling over all the year-end changes noted on pages below, but with what is instore for the changes in the October 2023 release, an upgrade is probably in your near future.
To help with this decision making, we’ve put together an Upgrade Blog Series for Microsoft Dynamics GP that will give you the information needed for a successful upgrade and answer questions about planning, known issues, troubleshooting, table and column changes in the new version and more.
The 2023 Year-End Update will include the October 2023 Feature release.
If you use Web Services or Web Client with Dynamics GP and you install the US year end update which includes the 18.6 release, you need to also update each of these products.  
Blogs linked above to upgrade documentation specifically for those products.

We update these blogs regularly as we run into support issues, so keep your eye on the links and have fun!
Here is the upcoming schedule:

As each blog releases, we’ll add the link to this page, so keep an eye on this schedule page for each blog as they release, so you will have all the information needed for a successful upgrade of Microsoft Dynamics GP this year!!
Terry Heley
