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Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 - Payables 1096 form print email address

The Payables 1096 Form will print your company's email address for the Address ID which is selected in the Print 1099 window.  Also, that email address will be displayed on the Print 1099 window.  You can locate the 1096 Form by going to Purchasing Routines and selecting Print 1099. 

On the IRS instructions, it is recommended to include the email address.




If you have not yet entered an email address for your company's Address ID, these fields will be blank and you will need to enter it if you want it to display and print.  To enter your company's email address, go to Microsoft Dynamics GP from the menu bar and clicking Tools.  Now select Setup, Company and Company again.  Once the Company Setup window opens, make sure the correct Address ID is selected on the window and click the Internet Address icon next to it. 

After the Internet Information window opens, enter in the correct email address into the 'To' field making sure you have the correct Address ID as well as 'Company' option selected in the Select Information for field.  If you need to setup email addresses for multiple company Address ID's, can click the 'Address' button at the bottom of the Company Setup window to open the Company Address Setup window where you can select a different Address ID.



I hope you find this feature helpful.  Continue to check back to the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 - Feature Blog Series Schedule page to review upcoming blog posts related to our new features and other helpful resource links.

Janelle Montplaisir

Microsoft Support (Dynamics GP) 


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