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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / Jesús Almaraz blog / The geographical position q...

The geographical position question.

Sometimes we need to save geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) where our employees do some transactions in Dynamics. This summer I strongly wanted to replace this geo-position system suggested by the community by other system:
Why I don´t like the old system? First it´s a Dotnet and could be not supported in all systems. Second, we need GPS capabilities in our device to run this. You might say We always need GPS to get geolocation, don´t we?, and the answer is a big no. All the webs catch our location no matter we have or not GPS in our device.

The IP approaches.

There are many services that can find my position using my IP address. You don´t need a GPS in your device.
We will test an IP geolocation service (, when a AL page is opening this way:
    trigger OnOpenPage()
        ClientWeb: HttpClient;
        GeoResponse: HttpResponseMessage;
        GeoContent: Text;
        ClientWeb.Get('', GeoResponse);
And thanks for taking part, but this location is far from my home (Logrono, Spain):
You have probably already guessed the reason: the httpclient is executed in the server side, so this isn´t my home, is server home.

The best of both worlds.

Our browsers have a component that almost universally is supported in all devices, the component geolocation inside navigator component. In JavaScript could be invoked this way: navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition);
I said above is the best of both worlds because it works this way: if your device has GPS (cell, tablet) returns GPS location. Otherwise it returns a very accurate position based in your client IP.
You can try here from several devices: and you will notice that works.

How I can use navigator geolocation from AL?

I gave up developing the system, but later I found the add-in and JavaScript integration, and all became easy. I told about it in this previous post:
I will follow similar steps:
First, I create a new AL project.
Second a new script included in the project folder (file GeoLocalizacion.js):
function ObtenerPosicionJson(){
    if (navigator.geolocation) {
    } else {
        alert("Geolocation is not supported by this browser.");
function EnviarPosicionNAV(position) {
    const MiLocalizacion = {"Latitude": position.coords.latitude,
    "Longitude": position.coords.longitude};
    Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.InvokeExtensibilityMethod('PosicionCargadaJSon', [MiLocalizacion]);
Declare a new add-in control in AL, to connect the Script to AL (file
controladdin ControlGeografico
    Scripts = 'GeoLocalizacion.js';
    procedure ObtenerPosicionJson();
    event PosicionCargadaJSon(Posicion: JsonObject);
Create a new Page with this controls (file
               field("Posicion geografica"; TextoPosicion)
                    ApplicationArea = All;
                usercontrol(ControlName; ControlGeografico)
                    ApplicationArea = All;
                    trigger PosicionCargadaJSon(Posicion: JsonObject)
And a page action to call the script trough the add-in control declared:
                Caption = 'Obtener coordenadas Json';
                ApplicationArea = All;
                trigger OnAction()
If we run the AL project, when we push Obtener coordenadas JSON action, we get our real geolocation in the text box:

Mechanism recap.

  • From new AL page: When we push action CoordenadasJSON, we call JavaScript function ObtenerPosicionJson.
  • At the end of this code JavaScript returns control to AL Page again with Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.InvokeExtensibilityMethod statement.
  • Back to the AL page, trigger PosicionCargadaJSon is executed and leaves the result in text box TextoPosicion.
The bridges between AL and JavaScript are:
  • Control add-in declaration in a file.
  • The add-in control declaration in the page.


*This post is locked for comments

  • nawelama Profile Picture nawelama
    Posted at
    is there any extensions that needs to be downloaded to read the script file , i actually set your project and launched but i received an error which is involving a missing file,the error : [2023-04-16 12:24:04.13] Publishing AL application using launch configuration 'Your own server'. [2023-04-16 12:24:04.93] Targeting server 'http://localhost', server instance 'BC200' and tenant 'default'. [2023-04-16 12:24:04.93] Using Windows authentication. [2023-04-16 12:24:04.95] Sending request to localhost:7049/.../metadata [2023-04-16 12:24:05.17] Publishing package to tenant 'default' [2023-04-16 12:24:05.17] Sending request to localhost:7049/.../apps [2023-04-16 12:24:05.59] The request for path /BC200/dev/apps?tenant=default&SchemaUpdateMode=forcesync&DependencyPublishingOption=default failed with code UnprocessableEntity. Reason: Extension compilation failed TimeSheet/Pages/Specific/,15): error AL0327: Missing file 'C:\Users\malek\Documents\AL\timesheet\TimeSheet\Scripts\GeoLocalizacion.js'. please help if u can , and thank u .
  • Guillermo.Aguerre Profile Picture Guillermo.Aguerre
    Posted at
    Very good post! I tried in an OnPremise environment, and it didn't work for me. I have the error: There was a problem. browser is not defined Date and time: Thu, 16 Sep 2021 15:40:01 GMT Azure AD subscriber ID: common how can I solve it?