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GPUG Summit Early Bird Discounts End June 30 PLUS Session Sneak Peek

Can you believe June is almost over? Summer seems to be flying by! The month end also brings a close to something else - GPUG Summit Early Bird pricing. GPUG Members save $400 off EACH full price Summit registration. That's right - every employee of your company is eligible for the discount on their registration fee. This is a substantial savings when sending multiple employees. Starting July 1, prices increase by $200 per registration so register now for the biggest discounts.

Non-members and subscribers don't worry - there are discounts for you too! GPUG Members are eligible for the best conference pricing so consider joining GPUG before registering to maximize your savings.

Many GPUG community members have reached out looking for 2015 Session Content. While the complete session schedule hasn't been finalized, I'm excited to share with you a Session Sneak Peek so you can see some of the content being shared at Summit. Please note, this is not a complete session list - many more will be added - and this list is subject to change.

For 2015, sessions will again be organized by track (although you can attend any session regardless of track it is associated with). Identified tracks for GPUG Summit include:

  • BI & Reporting
  • Financials
  • GP 2015
  • GP Admin
  • Grab Bag
  • Huddle Hour
  • Industry
  • IT Professional
  • Payroll/Human Resources
  • Reporting
  • Strategic
  • Tool Time
  • Upgrades

I encourage you to take a look at the Session Sneak Peek for the track (or tracks) relevant to you and your team members. Remember, Summit registrations can be transferred to another company employee should you need to make changes to your company's registrations at a later date.

If you're already registered for Summit - terrific! Make sure to share the Session Sneak Peek with your colleagues and encourage them to register by June 30!

Hope to see you in Reno!


P.S. Having trouble getting approval to attend? Download and customize this letter to help your boss understand why it's a great investment!


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