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Account Threshold and Password Policy for Dynamics GP

Hi Everyone,


Welcome to another blog! I thought I would put together some information regarding the Account Threshold, which is what governs the password policy for Dynamics GP.


Dynamics GP gets its Password Policy from the SQL Server, and the SQL Server gets its Password Policy settings from the Local Security Policy.


There are a few other doc sites out there that provide further explanation on these policies as well as some frequently asked questions. Here are those sites.


Advanced SQL Server options in the User Setup window - Dynamics GP | Microsoft Docs


Frequently asked questions about the advanced SQL Server options in the User Setup window in Microsoft Dynamics GP


These sites don’t really offer the steps for changing the Account Lockout Policy though, so I thought I’d provide that to everyone. Here are those steps.


    1. While on the SQL server, click Start > Run.
    2. Type in Secpol.msc, click OK.
    3. Under Security Settings, expand Account Policies.
    4. Click on Account Lockout Policy.
    5. You can then verify the Account lockout threshold.
      1. You can double-click ‘Account lockout threshold’ to pull up the window in which to change the setting.



If you want to change the Account Lockout Threshold, you can double-click on it, and it’ll pull up another window for you to make the change. This will govern how many attempts a user has to enter the correct password before they get locked out.


You can also set up other things like how many characters a password needs; however, it is not recommended to go past 15 characters as GP’s password field only supports up to 15 characters and that’s hard coded into the program.



Now that you’re armed with the steps and the above Doc site, you shouldn’t have any problems configuring password policies for Dynamics GP. But if you do have any questions or need help with it, please don’t hesitate to open a support case with us.


Until next time! Happy GPing!


-Jake Gilleshammer


*This post is locked for comments

  • rappenzeller Profile Picture rappenzeller
    Posted at
    Good afternoon! Our users are configured with Advanced SQL passwords, which is supposed to use the policies in Active Directory’s GPOs to determine complexity, minimum length, and so on. However, we are not using GPO based password policies, we are using the Fine-Grained options which are a little different. Does GP know how to find those policies and use them?
  • Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,056 Moderator
    Posted at
    Hi Jake, Thanks for that nice posting.. However, I thought that GP 2018 had increased the pwd length to 21 characters to match what's allowed in AD ??? But there is a catch... if you use Management Reporter with the Legacy Connector, that one cannot pass thru more than 15 characters to the SQL server, which defeats the purpose of the extended length of 21 characters..