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Document Management in D365FO - Active Document tables option


In my previous post, I explained about the document handling in D365FO provided the option Active Document Tables is set to No. In this post, I will discuss document management feature by making use of this option. This option helps us to enable the document management features to only a selected list of tables and I want to try this on customer groups.

Step 1: In D365FO, navigate to the form Document management parameters(Path: Organization administration > Document management > Document management parameters) and on the General fast tab set option "Use Automatic document tables" to Yes.


Step 2: Navigate to the customer groups form(Path: Accounts receivable > Setup > Customer groups) and select the customer group record where we intended to attach the document. In my case, I selected customer group "Sample" and click on attachments icon.


Step 3: We could see that the attachments form has no records, not even the customer discounts document attached earlier and also the new button is disabled. If you observe carefully even the small bubble on the right top corner of the icon is set to zero from one(in the previous screenshot). 


Step 4: In order to enable document management feature for customer groups, we need to add the table CustGroup to the table list on Active document tables form. So, navigate to the form Active document tables(Path: Organization administration > Document management > Active document tables) and click on New button. Select table name as custGroup from the lookup. 


Click on save button to save the record.


Step 5: Now if we check the attachments form of the "Sample" customer group we can see the document attached earlier and also the new button is enabled.


Thus, we can make use of this option based on the business requirement and security configuration in D365FO.


Chaitanya Golla


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