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Community site session details

Community site session details

Session Id :

RefreshOnActivate – Life Saver


Hey Friends,

Sometimes we go on hunting for a big giants and ignores the smaller one which can actually do the Job and this line is applicable for both the cases either its a Personal Life OR a Professional one.

I was just went  with one of such case where a property did what actually a bunch of codes where unable to perform.

Was working on one of the assignment where in Customer was willing to open a open web page from NAV Page and then update the content of that NAV Page from the Web One without pushing refresh every time to get the latest changes.

Though I was able to achieve this with multiple different solution but either of those solution’s where not perfect as each one of the left with some glitches.

Then after a couple of hit and trial I just used the Page Property which says RefresOnActivate and just enabling it did the Job with absolute perfection.


Sometimes we should actually explore these small properties and the other one’s available, they come up as a miracle.



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