It was repeatedly stressed the leading role of Social Media in a policy of CRM and marketing. Social Media tool, despite its undeniable usefulness, presents critical points; According to me these are myths attributed to Social Media that you can debunk:
to) Social Media are free: whether a company is structured, SMEs, Social Media represents a cost to the time spent in updating human resource and used if you try to profit from its use.
b) Social Media make equal companies: if it is true that on the one hand the tools available on Social Media are equal for all (for both small and large companies), the other is undeniable as
investment capabilities, using multiple tools, greater financial capacity to be allocated in measurement, research and strategy that can constitute quid to keep excellent standard – and certainly not the characteristics common to all companies
(c)) in Social Media is important for each user: the user who rarely expresses the opinion can be considered "influencer". This is because only those who actually appreciate the service and will talk about the company well and will be willing to give advice on how to improve, while customers who come from sales "spot" can rarely be influencers – give a positive opinion and nothing more.
Stay Tuned
Fulvio Giaccari
SB Soft S.r.l.
web agency
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