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Fix : At least one security token in the message could not be validated

Part of the initial configuration in cloud-hosted environments application id needs to be updated in wif.config file. Reports will not function without this setup. When users attempt to run the report, system throws following error message.
"At least one security token in the message could not be validated"

To fix the error follow below steps

  1. In visual studio, open the wif.config file located at K:\AOSService\webroot
  2. Create a new entry under audienceUris, as shown, under the current value for the customer's Entra Appid.
    <add value="spn:<your application ID>" />

  3. If you don't have valid application Id, register the app using the link.
    App register

  4. Final audienceUris should look like the format shown below
    <add value="spn:00000015-0000-0000-c000-0000000000000000" />
    <add value="spn:<your application ID>" />

  5. After making the changes, save the file and reset IIS
Refer link for more details.
