Liquid error: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
Liquid error: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
Community member
I found the problem. On our custom entity we only use the due date but still have an old start date field (not on the form) which is not used anymore. When I added the control I was able to chose the start date in the parameters (because it was mendatory), the end date and the description. When we create records for that entity we only fill the end date (due date) and it´s not showing in the calendar. But when you create a record by double clicking in the calendar the start date gets filled in the back and it shows up. So to calendar doesn´t seem to work with just due dates.
Hi Chris, the control doesn't have any special logic related to records created through the control or otherwise. Can you check date and description fields in properties of the records? Those need to have values to show on the calendar control. Let us know if this helps.
Hi Divya, thanks for sharing. I added the control to subgrid on a custom entity. The control shows up but it seems that only records that are created from within the control show up even tho there are a lot more records shown in the subgrid. Any idea why?
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