We know you're out there. You have to be at work at o'dark thirty, but you simply cannot help yourself. You have to stay up late enough to catch a glimpse of David Letterman's famous Top Ten List. Whether he is poking fun at a political figure, making wise-cracks about the latest and greatest gifts and gadgets, or even listing the many reasons one should own a goat, he makes you laugh.
We know you're out there. You have to be at work at o'dark thirty, but you simply cannot help yourself. You have to stay up late enough to catch a glimpse of David Letterman's famous Top Ten List. Whether he is poking fun at a political figure, making wise-cracks about the latest and greatest gifts and gadgets, or even listing the many reasons one should own a goat, he makes you laugh.
This Top Ten List is for you. It is the perfect marriage of business and pleasure, of profit and play, of ROI and LOL. Excellent.
Without further ado, we bring you the Mid-Morning Show's Top Ten List of the day:
Why Your Company Should Be Using CRM Online
10. You can click and play right away! Yes, with instant online access, you can start your free trial of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online in fewer than five minutes. Sample data is loaded automatically so you can create real world scenarios immediately. Sounds better than Wii. . .
9. You can reallocate that now bloated training budget. Who needs hours of specialized training when your CRM software is already very familiar? Yes, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online can be accessed from within Outlook. Think of the man-hours you would have invested in training your staff!
8. CRM is the "it" thing in the IT world. According to Gartner, worldwide CRM revenue grew by double digits (over 12%) for the fifth consecutive year. Companies are seeing clear benefits from investing in CRM. You don't want your competitors to reap all of the CRM rewards; do you?
7. It's a piece-of-cake to access data. Really. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online provides highly secure access via login no matter how you access your data. And you can choose your method of access: web browser, Outlook (on or offline), or even a Web-enabled device with Mobile Express (included with your CRM Online subscription at no extra cost). Yep, you can access your information just about anywhere: in the taxi, at a stoplight, or sitting at the kitchen table.
6. You won't get a headache making the switch. If your administrators happen to manage customer data in systems like Salesforce.com, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online's Data Import Wizard can import the data for you. No need for technical support. . . or aspirin.
5. You can finally see the big picture. . . or the medium snapshot. . . or even the itty-bitty thumbnail. A customizable Home Page dashboard allows you to start your day with a view of the business metrics that matter to you, be they the large measures of success or the minutiae. On CRM Online, you can choose from more than 30 charts to help you understand and visualize the wellbeing of your business.
4. All of the cool companies are doing it. I know what you're thinking; and of course you aren't really influenced by high schoolish cliques. But think about it: Hard Rock International Inc., Barclays Bank PLC, Polaris Industries Inc., the City of London, Vodafone Iceland, and Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. are all using Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Go ahead and admit it. . . It makes you want to, too.
3. It's a mind-blowing, real-time information exchange between sales, marketing, and service. Prepare for an increase in brand recognition, revenue, and customer loyalty. Period.
2. Enjoy HUGE bang for your buck. With 5 GB of storage space, 200 custom workflows, 200 custom entities, offline capabilities and Mobile Express, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online is an incredible value. (Additional storage can be purchased for a minimal fee.)
(Drum roll please. . . ) And the number one reason your company should be using CRM Online:
1. It costs less than stocking the break-room fridge! $44. It's hard to believe that Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online costs only $44 per user, per month. That is more than a 30% savings compared to competitive CRM products. $44. Unbelievable! $44. Really.
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