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HR Functional Series

Bret Fraser v- Profile Picture Bret Fraser v- Community Manager

A Microsoft Dynamics 365 FastTrack TechTalk Series - HR Functional

With Dynamics 365 Human Resources, create a workplace where people and business thrive.

This is a seven-part series of functional TechTalks covering the in-depth capabilities of Dynamics 365 Human Resources.

We will be discussing in detail what is available out of box as well as demonstrating the application.


Sessions include:

Part 1: Personnel Management from Hire-to-Retire | October 26, 2021Recording Available
Part 2: Request-to-Recruit-to Hire ProcessRecording Available
Part 3: Employee DevelopmentRecording Available
Part 4: Managing Employee and Manager Self-Service ExperienceRecording Available
Part 5: Leave and Absence ManagementRecording Available
Part 6: Compensation ManagementRecording Available
Part 7: Benefits ManagementRecording Available


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