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Microsoft Teams Sharing Options

So when it comes sharing a PowerPoint Presentation as a part of our teams meeting, the usual approach we take is, the PowerPoint Presentation is locally stored in our PC and we will open it and start sharing the PPT as below




One of the things you need to remember with this approach is, by sharing the content stored in your local PC you are constantly uploading the content from your Local PC. Now, if you are working from home and you have a slow Internet connection with a bad upload rate and you have to share a heavy PowerPoint slide deck with animations, videos and also turn on your camera, guess what will happen? It’s not good !!!!!!! Because you are uploading content directly from your PC + you have your webcam turned on it is going to consume your internet bandwidth heavily and your presentation animations and videos won’t be very smooth to your audience. So, what the solution !!!!!!




In Microsoft Teams you also have the ability to share content directly from OneDrive. With this approach what happens is rather than you sharing your content from your local PC, you start sharing the content via PowerPoint Online. This consumes a little bandwidth at the start but after loading the presentation it will run smoothly for both you and your audience and it will not consume the same internet bandwidth as the previous approach.




Step 1 : Upload your PowerPoint Presentation to OneDrive



Step 2: When you click on the Share button in Microsoft Teams, click on the “Browse” button and select “OneDrive



Step 3 : Choose the PowerPoint slide deck from your OneDrive folder



Step 4: Start your PowerPoint Presentation. Note you will have a control bar in Microsoft Teams to Navigate the slides.



It’s really nice to see the different options we get with Microsoft Temas because of its strong integration with the Microsoft Ecosystem.


As always I hope this article will become useful to you during this time when you are working from home. Stay safe, have fun and let me know if you have any questions.


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