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Troubleshooting Emails before they get to Customers

As more and more customers opt for paper free invoicing, it becomes ever more critical to utilize the email features of Collections Management to help drive down Average Days to Pay.

In previous posts, we’ve discussed how to setup Collections Management for emailing statements.

Most users are going to want to test sending out emails or processing Collection Plans before actually sending them out to their customers.

To do this, open Microsoft Outlook, and on the ribbon bar click on the Send / Receive tab. On the right of this bar in the “Preferences” area is a “Work Offline” button. Click on this to take your Outlook temporarily offline. Then run you’re your email or collection plan as a test, and in Outlook go through your Outbox to check and make sure the emails processed correctly.

You can tell you are offline by the status bar at the bottom of Outlook:

As well as on your Windows task bar:

If you need to, you can either delete all those Outbox emails and reprocess, or if they are all correct simply click on the Work Offline button again to go back online. The emails will go out on the next Send/Receive routine.

The post Troubleshooting Emails before they get to Customers appeared first on Professional Advantage Blog.


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