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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / DaxGeek / Create a Workflow Category

Create a Workflow Category

A workflow category is used to determine the module in which the workflow will
be available. Modules are defined by the ModuleAxapta enum.
Demonstration: Creating a Workflow CategoryPerform the following steps to create a category that allows the workflow to be
authored from the Sales and Marketing module.

1. Open the

2. Expand the
Workflow node.

3. Right
-click on the Workflow Categories node and select New
Workflow Category
. A new workflow category called Workflow
will be created.

4. Right
-click on the newly created workflow category and selectProperties.

5. Change the name property to

6. Change the label property to
Sales workflows. 

7. Change the Module property to SalesOrder.

8. Right-click on the newly created workflow category and select

Best Regards,
Hossein Karimi


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