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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / Jesús Almaraz blog / Add fields in Item tracking...

Add fields in Item tracking lines with events

The base of this entry is Olof Simren outstanding post In This post Olof Simren showed us how to add a field in the Item tracking line. If you have worked with Item tracking lines you know what I mean. Sometimes we need an additional field, and without previous knowledge was very difficult to do and understand, and this is that Olof Simren post gives us.

In this example, I go to add the field alcoholic strength (I call it grade, more used in this market). For people of the food and drinks market we know how important , could be this information, and in some products could be variable for each lot.
I will follow the same steps of original Post.

Adding fields in the tables and pages

We have to add the new field in  these tables: Item Journal Line, Reservation Entry, Item Ledger Entry and "Tracking Specification":
tableextension 69001 "AFT Tracking Specification" extends "Tracking Specification"
        field(69001; "AFT Grade"; Decimal)
            DataClassification = CustomerContent;
            Caption = 'Grado';
            DecimalPlaces = 2 : 2;
The Modified Pages must be these: "Item Journal", "Item Ledger Entries" and "Item Tracking Lines":
pageextension 69001 "AFT Item Tracking Lines" extends "Item Tracking Lines"
            field(Grade; "AFT Grade")
                ApplicationArea = All;
                Visible = true;


We only need one more object: a Codeunit to Subscribe to Page Item tracking lines and Codeunit "Item Jnl.-Post Line":
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::PagePage::"Item Tracking Lines", 'OnRegisterChangeOnAfterCreateReservEntry''', false, false)]
    local procedure ItemTrackingLinesOnRegisterChangeOnAfterCreateReservEntry(var ReservEntry: Record "Reservation Entry"; OldTrackingSpecification: Record "Tracking Specification")
        ReservEntry."AFT Grade" := OldTrackingSpecification."AFT Grade";
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::PagePage::"Item Tracking Lines", 'OnAfterCopyTrackingSpec''', false, false)]
    local procedure ItemTrackingLinesOnAfterCopyTrackingSpec(var DestTrkgSpec: Record "Tracking Specification"; var SourceTrackingSpec: Record "Tracking Specification")
        DestTrkgSpec."AFT Grade" := SourceTrackingSpec."AFT Grade";
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::PagePage::"Item Tracking Lines", 'OnAfterEntriesAreIdentical''', false, false)]
    local procedure ItemTrackingLinesOnAfterEntriesAreIdentical(ReservEntry1: Record "Reservation Entry"; ReservEntry2: Record "Reservation Entry"; var IdenticalArray: array[2of Boolean)
        IdenticalArray[2] := IdenticalArray[2and (ReservEntry1."AFT Grade" = ReservEntry2."AFT Grade");
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::PagePage::"Item Tracking Lines", 'OnAfterMoveFields''', false, false)]
    local procedure ItemTrackingLinesOnAfterMoveFields(var ReservEntry: Record "Reservation Entry"; var TrkgSpec: Record "Tracking Specification")
        ReservEntry."AFT Grade" := TrkgSpec."AFT Grade";
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"Item Jnl.-Post Line", 'OnBeforeInsertSetupTempSplitItemJnlLine''', false, false)]
    local procedure ItemJnlPostLineOnBeforeInsertSetupTempSplitItemJnlLine(var TempTrackingSpecification: Record "Tracking Specification"; var TempItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line")
        TempItemJournalLine."AFT Grade" := TempTrackingSpecification."AFT Grade"
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"Item Jnl.-Post Line", 'OnAfterInitItemLedgEntry''', false, false)]
    local procedure ItemJnlPostLineOnAfterInitItemLedgEntry(var NewItemLedgEntry: Record "Item Ledger Entry"; ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line")
        NewItemLedgEntry."AFT Grade" := ItemJournalLine."AFT Grade";

The final Cut

I want that the tracking line page when I am selling a lot number, brings the Grade value of this lot. For this purpose we add two new functions in the Codeunit:
local procedure TrackingSpecificationLotNoOnAfterValidateEvent(var Rec: Record "Tracking Specification")
        rec."AFT Grade" := GetGradeFirst(Rec);
    local procedure GetGradeFirst(TrackingSpecication: Record "Tracking Specification")Decimal
        ItemLedgerEntryRecord "Item Ledger Entry";
        with ItemLedgerEntry do begin
            SetCurrentKey("Item No.", "Lot No.", "Posting Date", "Entry No.");
            SetRange("Item No.", TrackingSpecication."Item No.");
            SetRange("Lot No.", TrackingSpecication."Lot No.");
            if FindFirst() then
                exit("AFT Grade");
If we do a new sales order when I pick the lot the Grade field is filled with the Grade value of the first entry:
All the Code is available in this repo:

 Extra tip November 2021: correction

If you see comments bellow, there are one or two reamaining questions about new Item tracking fields posting. First one is correction. How correction should work with a new Item tracking field? We must recover fields from previous corrected entry and put them in the correcting Item Journal Line. There are many ways to do this but I sugest this suscription (feel free to sugest any alternative solution):

    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"Item Jnl.-Post Line", 'OnBeforePostItemJnlLine', '', false, false)]
    local procedure GetCorrectionfields(var ItemJournalLine: Record "Item Journal Line")
        OldItemLedgerEntry: Record "Item Ledger Entry";
        if not ItemJournalLine.Correction then
        if not OldItemLedgerEntry.get(ItemJournalLine."Applies-from Entry") then
            if not OldItemLedgerEntry.get(ItemJournalLine."Applies-to Entry") then
        ItemJournalLine."AFT Grade" := OldItemLedgerEntry."AFT Grade";


*This post is locked for comments

  • Jalmaraz Profile Picture Jalmaraz 667
    Posted at
    And here you are: that is the solution to correction post. Only a warning: my SAAS does not work properly today, so I can not test it. I am sure 99% the code works, but I do not feel confortable hiding information. Thanks for the comments.
  • Jalmaraz Profile Picture Jalmaraz 667
    Posted at
    Yes this week I will fix correction issue.
  • burn19 Profile Picture burn19 10
    Posted at
    and can you show me how to fix the Undo item ledger entries.
  • burn19 Profile Picture burn19 10
    Posted at
    Never mind , i messed up the field ids....It works just fine. Thank you
  • Jalmaraz Profile Picture Jalmaraz 667
    Posted at
    burn19: May be something is missing. I know two issues for these code: - Transfer receipts. This will be hard to fix. - Undo item ledger entries. I know how to fix this and I am going to do it. When I finish some new features in my vscode extensions I will update the post. Is your problem related with one of these situations?
  • burn19 Profile Picture burn19 10
    Posted at
    I tried your code with two fields added and it didn't work for me. Is there something missing?
  • burn19 Profile Picture burn19 10
    Posted at
    I tried your code with two fields added and it didn't work for me. Is there something missing?