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#CONV15 – Convergence 2015 Atlanta – Pre Conference

David Musgrave MVP GPUG All Star Legend Moderator Profile Picture David Musgrave MVP ... 13,963 Most Valuable Professional

David Meego - Click for blog homepage Convergence2015

Wow, Time has gone so quickly. I had the good intentions of posting about each day of the Convergence 2015 conference on the next day. I had already created all the blank placeholder posts in preparation.

Then reality struck…. With days starting around 6am to get ready and drive into town and finishing at midnight or later, it was just not possible to write the blog posts and get some (not enough) sleep.

Anyhow, I am back in Australia now and will attempt to give you a taste of what the conference was like.

I arrived on Friday 13th (lucky I am not superstitious), which gave me Saturday to sleep in a little. I did not want to sleep in too much as the quicker you can shift your sleep patterns, the quicker you can get over the “Jet Lag”. Atlanta time was currently a full 12 hour shift from Perth, so I was completely messed up.

So I got up about 9am and said hello to Mariano’s demon dogs (ok, it happens to all dog’s eyes when you use a flash). Mariano and his kids were out doing volunteer work for the day and so the puppies were pleased to see me.

DogsAngel and Ebony

I remembered that I had not taken a photo of the stash of Aussie contraband that I smuggled into the USA, so I laid it all out and took a photo (minus two packs of Tim Tams and a pack of Chicos already given to Mariano).

The Stash: 12 of 14 packs of Arnott’s Tim Tams, 5 of 6 packs of Allen’s Chicos
and 2 tubes of axle grease Vegemite

I spent the rest of Saturday working on the customisation presentation that Mariano and I would be delivering in a few days time. I decided it might be handy to have some demos for the presentation, as

  1. Sessions with only PowerPoint slides are boring
  2. People have come to expect it with our sessions

So, I created the primary demos based on the same customisation built using Modifier & Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), Modifier & Visual Studio Tools and Dexterity. I also fine tuned the presentation deck.

I got a relatively early night and tried to get a good night’s sleep…. Hard when you wake up multiple times because your body clock keeps saying “Get up you lazy sod, it’s daytime.”.


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Filed under: Conference, Dynamics, GP, Microsoft, News Tagged: Conference, Convergence 2015, News

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