In the destination environment, use the following steps to import the file for the
integration port data you exported from the source environment.
1. Open the Import options form. Click System administration > Common > Data export/import > Import.
2. If you exported only selected ports by using export criteria, select Update existing record on the Advanced tab. Otherwise, existing ports in the destination environment are deleted.
When you have finished importing the data you must deactivate the imported
ports, register services, register basic ports, update the configuration details for
each port; for example, update URIs based on paths in the production
environment, and then activate the ports. For more information on completing
these steps, refer to the other topics in this chapter.
NOTE: This process will need to be complete once for each file that was
exported in the Procedure: Export the Integration Port Data.IMPORTANT: If the production environment is part of a cluster, you must
restart all AOS instances to guarantee that all configurations are updated.
Hossein Karimi
Import the Integration Port Data
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