In this post we will view the steps to read the data from a given entity using field list from D365FO. For demo purpose, I have chosen CustomerV2 entity.
Step 1: Register D365FO in Azure Platform. Please refer to previous post to view the steps for App registration.
Application registration of D365FO with Azure
Step 2: Setup Postman with D365FO. Note: Used environment variables to setup bearer token and authorization in this post.
Step 3: Retrieve the OData URL for customer entity. In my case it is https://D365FO URL/data/CustomersV2.
Step 4: Launch Postman, select the Devbox collection and click on three dots. Select Add Request and provide name (say) Read Customers with field list.
Add Request
Request Name
Step 5: Provide the command for the GET Request with URL as
{{resource}}/data/CustomersV2?$filter=OrganizationName eq 'TEST'&$select=CustomerAccount,OrganizationName
where resource is the D365FO URL provided in the environment section.
Here under parameters section, used query options $select, $filter and supplied the values as CustomerAccount,OrganizationName, OrganizationName eq 'TEST' respectively.
Key | Value |
$select | CustomerAccount,OrganizationName |
$filter | OrganizationName eq 'TEST' |
Step 6: Under Headers group, created new entries for
Step 7: Click on Send button to view the output with the status as 200 OK.
Chaitanya Golla
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