Variable declaration
Variable declaration
Variables must be declared first in the method. We can’t declare the variable inside the X++ statements. In other languages like .net, VB we can declare wherever you want. In AX 2009 we should use semicolon (;) to separate the declaration part and X++ statements like the below code.
AX 2009 variable declaration
int a;
a = 5;
But, in ax 2012 semicolon is not necessary (optional). We can assign values in the declaration part.
int a =5;
Variable name
In X++, variable names are not case sensitive. As per the naming convention standard, the first character of the variable name should be small letter. For example:
PurchLine purchLine
Data types
Primitive and composite data types are supported in X++. We can use EDT, table name, class name as data types. For example:
Name firstName, lastName;
PurchLIne purchLine;
Access accessObject = new Access();
Multiple variable declaration
X++ allows you to add multiple variable declaration in the same declaration statement. For example:
int i,j;
real a = 5, b=3;
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