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Notifications in UI -NAV 2017

This is really interesting feature introduced in NAV 2017 as Notifications in UI.

NAV 2017 comes up smarter way to send notifications to the UI in Web Client .This will provide notifications to the user about what is happening in transactions.

This will helpful during

1) Shortage on Inventory

2) Customer Balance is negative

3) Customer credit limit exceeded

and many more.......

In the development environment, you create notifications in C/AL by using the newNotification and NotificationScope data types and the following functions.
MESSAGE specifies the content of the notification that appears in the UI

  1. SCOPE specifies the scope in which the notification appears, which can be LocalScope or GlobalScope.
  2. SEND sends the notification to be displayed by the client.
  3. ADDACTION adds an action on the notification. 
  4. SETDATA and GETDATA set and retrieve a data property value for the notification, which is typically needed when actions are invoked.

All the notifications will fire after the validations errors.


This was originally posted here.


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