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Payroll Garnishment Management Made Easy in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010

By Lori Penewit, Implementation Consultant, The Resource Group

Did you know that Microsoft Dynamics GP Payroll includes features to handle complicated payroll garnishments calculations?  And, the release of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 includes updates to make garnishment management even easier?

In the Payroll module of Microsoft Dynamics GP, garnishments are handled as a separate deduction type with a completely separate set of features to make garnishments easier to manage.  With garnishment management in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 you can:

  • Specify exactly which earnings should be included as a part of an employee’s Net Disposable Income (NDI), using the Earnings Setup window.  Since NDI varies from state to state, Microsoft Dynamics GP Payroll gives you the flexibility to define exactly what should or should not be included.
  • Setup Garnishment Maximum rules as varied as you need them to be. The Garnishment Maximum feature allows you to manage particular maximum withholding rules.  These rules vary for each type of garnishment (Support Order, Tax Levy, Other).  The feature also allows you to define the maximum exempt amount and the minimum wage rule amount when needed.
  • Specify what order to take deductions from an employee’s check with the Deduction Sequencing feature in Microsoft Dynamics GP.  This feature is particularly helpful for employees who have multiple garnishments that need to be deducted in a particular order.  Microsoft Dynamics GP can even split available wages between two different garnishments when both have equal priority!
  • Avoid manual calculations for employees with multiple garnishments.  The newest garnishment feature in Microsoft Dynamics GP adds even more flexibility and it allows you to exclude older employee garnishments in the calculation of new garnishments. 
  • Track Court Date, Court Name, and Document IDs for each garnishment order.  Microsoft Dynamics GP always tracks the Original Garnishment Amount, Amount Taken, and Remaining Balance for each garnishment order individually.

Use Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 to efficiently manage payroll garnishments.  From simple garnishment requirements to complex, multiple garnishment management needs, Microsoft Dynamics GP includes a powerful set of features that can handle it all!

To learn more about Payroll Garnishment Management in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 contact The Resource Group.

by Lori Penewit, Implementation Consultant, The Resource Group – Seattle, Washington Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner

Payroll Garnishment Management Made Easy in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 is a post from: ERP Software Blog

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