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Dynamics GP – Performing Year End Inventory Just Got Easier!

In all my years of consulting, I haven’t met one Inventory Control Specialist who enjoys completing the Year End Physical Inventory.  In fact, most users that I’ve worked with dread it.

The clever developers over at WilloWare have a product that simplifies the Year End Inventory process called CompleteCount.  CompleteCount works with Dynamics GP’s Stock Count functionality.   It can handle multi-Site or multi-Bin environments as well as Serialized or Lot Controlled Items.  CompleteCount can assist with your Stock Counts in 2 ways:

  1. Excel

CompleteCount’s Export Utility will export your entire Stock Count from GP into an Excel Spreadsheet (multiple workbooks can be created if you use multiple Sites).   Users can enter count information in multiple copies of the spreadsheet.  When the spreadsheets are imported, CompleteCount adds them together to arrive at a total count, which is then imported and used to update the GP Stock Count.

  1. Stock Tags

CompleteCount provides the tools needed to perform a controlled cycle count in Dynamics GP using stock tags. The stock tag method of conducting a physical count provides for an audit trail of the count, ensures a higher degree of accuracy, and keeps to a minimum the downtime required to conduct the count.

Once items have been assigned to a Stock Count users can start printing tags and attaching them to physical locations throughout the warehouse. The tag will be used later by employees performing the count to record the inventory located in the vicinity of the tag. Being able to print and distribute tags ahead of time allows you to prepare for the count without having to freeze inventory.

Stock Tag

As inventory is counted and recorded on the tags, the tags are entered into the CompleteCount Tag Entry window. The system will automatically tally the total count for an item if it has quantities recorded on several different tags.

Stock Tag Entry

Regardless of the count method selected, CompleteCount performs validation steps when the count is submitted including:

  • Validating Item Numbers, Sites and Bins
  • Calculating Tag Totals
  • Creating new Item-Site combinations
  • Creating new Item-Site-Bin combinations
  • Etc

If you’d like to learn more about CompleteCount, please visit or send an email to


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