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How to record Events in Business Central

I know you all started working with AL development and extension. As you are converting your product or customization every time need to deal with base application code as during C/AL days you already added business logic in required codeunits,tables,pages etc.

Now when you are dealing with extension you need to move your customization to AL development using events subscription. It is always painful to find events associate with every business process and need to search right event to write customization did.

In business central there is feature available to see which events are executed during process you ran and one can record this events using event recorder .These events are not stored like permission set .This will disappear once you close the page.

We will see how we can use this . For recording you need to have two browser open in which one will do recording and other will execute business process.

  1. Search for Event recorder.


2. Click On Event recorder which will show as below


3. Click on Record Events–> Start


Go to another browser and start executing the required process . In this example I am creating one purchase order


Now go back first browser and click on record Events–>Stop


Once you click ‘Yes’ then it will display all events executed during purchase order creation.


Go to the last columns i.e. Get AL Snippets where you will get AL code for the events


This will really helpful while moving your program to AL from C/AL

Too Cool.

Stay tuned for more updates.



This was originally posted here.


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