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Now Available - Email Digest Summaries

BF Test 9 Profile Picture BF Test 9 9 Moderator

Try the New Email Digests

Digests can be a great way to be alerted to the latest blog and forum updates in the application areas you are interested in. You can choose to receive daily digests or weekly digests. On the right side of forum and blog pages you will now see a digest card that allows you to subscribe directly from any page:

screenshot of the subscribe-to-digest card

Use the 'Subscribe to a Digest' link to pick either a daily digest (weekdays only) or a weekly digest (Sundays only). This menu will also allow you to unsubscribe if needed.

The 'Learn More' link will take you to the help page for subscriptions, where you can find more details, including alternate ways to subscribe or unsubscribe.

Keep in mind that digests are specific for each application, so you will want to enable digests for each application (Finance, SCM, etc.) that you are interested in following.

Example of a daily digest for Finance:

screenshot of digest email with links

Give digests a try, and let us know if you have any feedback about how we might improve them.


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