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Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 - Update Project and Contract Numbers

We have added a new window called the Project Code Modifier which will enable you to modify Project Numbers, Project IDs, Contract Numbers, Contract IDs, and Cost Categories.  With this new feature you can change fields listed above for existing Contracts, Projects, and Cost Categories in Microsoft Dynamics GP to a new value. 

To access this window, go to the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools, point to Utilities, point to Project, and click on Project Code Modifier.  In this window you can use the Code Type drop down to select the code that you would like to modify, then use the Old Code lookup to select and existing code, and enter the New Code value that you want to change it to.    

Project Code Modifier Window

A new Code Modification report will print when the process completes that will document which SQL tables were updated during the process for your reference.

Screen Output - Project Code Changer


  • This feature does not combine existing records into one record, it modifies existing records to have a new number or id that does not already exist in the system.
  • If you have customizations or 3rd party products, you want to be very careful with this feature to make sure all data for those other product tables are updated as expected.  As long as they used the exact same column names as the Microsoft Dynamics GP tables that are being updated, this should work without issue.  If you are unsure of compatibility or which areas and tables to check for your customization or 3rd party product please reach out to them for clarification.

I hope you enjoy this feature!  Continue to check back to the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 - Feature Blog Series Schedule page to review upcoming blog posts related to our new features and other helpful resource links.

Isaac Olson

Microsoft Support


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