You knew this day would come. The last workaround you implemented was also the last straw. It is time to replace your antiquated accounting/software ERP system with something that will relieve some of the stress building around your company, and hopefully give it an economic boost that will take it to the next level.
Those are lofty goals and not easily achievable with just any ERP software solution. When choosing one that will fit your needs and help you reach your goals, you need to consider several factors.
1. Future proof - Technology evolves at a rapid pace, and you need ERP software that will still be functional and upgradable many years down the road. Although you cannot always predict the direction new technology will take, you can plan for a variety of scenarios, but you need an ERP system that gives you that capability.
When you compare Microsoft Dynamics GP to other ERP packages you have the confidence that it is backed by the reputation and Research & Development power of Microsoft. Microsoft invests over $9 billion annually in a wide variety of productivity-focused solutions
2. Stable and sustained business advantages – It is not enough for your ERP software to have sparkly eye candy, “killer apps”, and cutting edge social media tools if it fails to meet your company’s basic needs. It should provide you with a sustained business advantage through its core functionality. If that is missing, you have a toy rather than a viable business ERP system.
3. Sound implementation methods – Implementation will vary across industries, business sizes, and organization structures, but the essential technical methods of implementation should be well-researched and planned well in advanced. While much of that will depend on you, it definitely helps to have the technology and vendor that will help make implementation a little less painful.
Microsoft Dynamics GP partners, like CAL Business Solutions, are certified in Microsoft implementation methodologies. At CAL Business Solutions, we have done over 200 successful Microsoft Dynamics GP installations.
4. Tailored for business needs – Just as implementation will vary according to many factors, the functionality of your ERP software should match your business. It is impossible for a vendor to know the needs of every type of business and provide a packaged solution for each one. It would be too expensive and time consuming. What the vendor should do, however, is provide a flexible system that you can manipulate yourself to fit the company’s business model.
Microsoft Dynamics GP is built on an open architecture so it can be easily integrated to other systems. Plus, a network of several hundred ISV (Integrated Software Vendors) provide industry specific add on products certified to work seamlessly with the Dynamics GP system.
5. Experienced, knowledgeable vendors – Nothing is worse than the day you call tech support and realize they have no clue. You need a vendor that is going to be there during the rough times to get you through implementation, troubleshooting, and upgrades. Many promise this, but you should investigate vendors before purchasing something like an ERP system that you will have to live with for years to come.
Read short comments about why customers like using Microsoft Dynamics GP and working with CAL Business Solutions.
6. Built for financial success – What is the bottom line? You need money. Your business will not function, and your employees will not eat without it. Once you start using it, you can always tell when an ERP system was built with technological advancement in mind but without the foresight to actually help a business be financially successful. When you choose a web browser, extensions and interface features are secondary to being able to browse the web quickly and securely. For ERP, it is about building financial success, and your software must deliver in that area above all else.
Above all Microsoft Dynamics GP is known as a strong, stable, core financials system. Review Microsoft Dynamics GP modules and functionality.
7. Scalable, integrated technology - As your business grows, you need an ERP system that can grow as well. You need seamless scalability and integration with your other enterprise technology. When your startup becomes a public corporation, it will be nice to have ERP software that will only require an upgrade rather than a complete tear down, data conversion, and rebuilding.
While there are many ERP solutions that will give you portions of the seven necessities mentioned above, there is one clear winner that can deliver them all. Microsoft Dynamics GP can provide your business with robust flexibility and software integration with other business mission-critical applications like Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Office 365. The right choice is clear.
Interested in the cost of new ERP/accounting software? Download our free white paper: “30 Questions Every CFO Should Ask About the Cost of Accounting Software” or request a free Dynamics GP Quick Price Quote.
By CAL Business Solutions, Connecticut Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner
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