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Community site session details

Session Id : XsBBLzC3toWnwVD22wdOPH

Exporting\Importing Voice of the Customer Surveys

Ryno Profile Picture Ryno

Voice of the Customer for Dynamics 365 is a great enhancement to  the Dynamics 365 product, giving you the ability to distribute surveys and store survey responses with in Dynamics 365.

Working in a enterprise environment you will most probably be asked to move your surveys from your QA environment to your Production environment and this is where it gets tricky. In the below steps i explain how i migrated our surveys from one environment to another.

Step 1: Confirm that you have the latest version of VOC installed on your Dynamics 365 instance.

Step 2: Navigate to the Survey that you want to export, and confirm that the survey is published.

Step 3: Navigate to the notes section of your survey and download the Survey *.xml file

Step 4: Open the *.xml file using notepad and copy the content to the clipboard.

Step 5: Navigate to your destination environment where you want to import the survey. Go to Settings -> VOC Settings -> VOC Imports -> Click New – Give the Import a descriptive name and past the *.xml file content into the “Survey Xml to Import” section and Click “Save”

Step 6:  Open the newly imported survey and delete the exciting notes, close the survey and open it again to confirm the notes have been deleted.

Step 7: Publish and Test your imported survey.



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