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A program is trying to send an e-mail message on your behalf when trying to send a Template via E-mail

NOTE: If you see side effects of this workaround such as the filename of the document that you are sending containing the path of the file from the user's TEMP folder (C:\\User\Username…\BlankInvoiceForm.docx), then please remove the MAPIX=1 setting, and properly fix the issue in Outlook itself to prevent that warning by contacting Microsoft Office support.  

Are you seeing this message every time you are sending a Template document via E-mail?


Luckily there is a very easy workaround.  What is happening is when the user clicks send GP is looking to the Win.ini tile for certain MAPI settings.  If they are not there then the user is prompted with this message.  You could disable through Programmatic Access on the Trust Center window, but there is an easier fix.

1. Open a Windows Explorer window and go to C:\Windows.
2. Make a backup of the Win.ini

3. Open the WIN.ini file found in this folder.
4. Look for the MAPIX setting in the file under the [Mail] section of the file.
a. If the MAPIX setting reads MAPIX=0, please change the 0 to a 1 and then save the file.
b. If there is not a MAPIX setting under the Mail section, please add the following under the Mail section of the file:
i. MAPIX=1
5. Once you have modified the WIN.ini file, please be sure to save the changes and then close the file.
6. Then you can restart both Microsoft Outlook and Dynamics GP to ensure that the changes to the file are picked up.

If you run into trouble with editing the Win.ini you can save this to your desktop and drag and drop it into the C:\Windows folder.

If this still does not work you will need validate your Registry.  The document below will walk you through on how to check your Registry for Mail. Go through Steps 1-7 and choose Option A if you are 32-bit or Option B if you are 64-bit. 


*Note: Recently (as of 1/11/18) we found some situations where the Customer did have MAPIX=1 in the Win.ini file and it still did not work.  We removed this line in the Win.ini and it started working.  Not sure if there was a certain Windows update that is preventing this setting from being used.

The steps above should resolve this error as a workaround.   This is an Outlook message, and is occurring based on how your environment is set up and whether Outlook trusts the Microsoft Dynamics GP application to email on your behalf or not automatically. 


Andy Sather

Sr Support Engineer



*This post is locked for comments

  • Community Member Profile Picture Community Member Microsoft Employee
    Posted at

    Well Andy,

    I have to say this did the trick! In our terminal server sessions we are on 2013, and for some reason never had this issue.

    However, with our users who have Outlook 2016 it seems to be more of an issue.

    I first tried changing the settings in the Trust Center in outlook, and no avail.

    When I added the MAPIX=1 line, it worked.

    Fingers crossed it stays working!

    Thanks for the post!

  • Community Member Profile Picture Community Member Microsoft Employee
    Posted at

    This worked like a charm for me on GP 2015 with Outlook 2013. Didn't need to go in the registry. Just had to make the change to the win.ini file. Thank you!!

  • Community Member Profile Picture Community Member Microsoft Employee
    Posted at

    From Andy Sather at MS: A program is trying to send an e-mail message on your behalf when trying to send

  • Community Member Profile Picture Community Member Microsoft Employee
    Posted at

    From Andy Sather at MS: A program is trying to send an e-mail message on your behalf when trying to send