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Upgrade your GP to the cloud

Stay current and competitive to remain profitable

With cloud adoption increasing at a phenomenal rate, companies have started to notice that they have more to gain for less. In the past, companies have succumbed to the pressure of investing in infrastructure, which meant huge capital expenditure outlays. The legacy applications become redundant and the business needs to adapt to current market dynamics and requirements.

This is especially the case for Dynamics GP users. They need to upgrade to newer versions of SQL and Operating Systems. This requires new hardware or servers to be in place before upgrading their software, which is a considerable decision to make—along with the cost of upgrading.

Replace your aging infrastructure by moving GP to the cloud

As with all technology, servers also have a lifespan where beyond it they start failing to perform as expected. Aging servers could severely impact business operations, and if the warranties expire, the manufacturer can charge heavily to keep the servers online. This creates a huge cost even more than buying an all-new server. In short: the older servers are, the tougher it is to maintain them, and it’s imperative for companies to look at the health of their current infrastructure. To know more about the importance of servers and how you can maximize your IT infrastructure, check out InterDyn BMI’s post: "Servers are the be-all and by-all in your business"

Business drivers with GP on the cloud:

With GP on the cloud, you need no significant upfront investments to collaborate and streamline operations towards improved productivity. Mobility helps enhance work experiences, enable employees access/update business-critical data anytime, anywhere, resulting in improved customer satisfaction. GP on the cloud is “OpEX” based, pay-per-use. You can now conduct business at a rapid pace while freeing up your resources as the hosting provider takes care of all the server support and maintenance work to keep them up and running. To learn more about the OpEx advantage, go to InterDyn BMI’s detailed post: "Capitalize on the OpEX Advantage: Upgrade your GP to the cloud"

System Requirements for GP 2013 and higher versions

If you are still on Dynamics GP 2013 or an earlier version, you should consider scheduling an upgrade as Microsoft ends mainstream support for GP 2013 on April 10, 2018. With this, you will no longer receive year end updates and there will be minimal support for this version. GP 2013 will then move into extended support until April 11, 2023. Visit InterDyn BMI’s blog to learn more about these system requirements and other recommendations you should know: “Upgrading GP: System requirements for versions 2013 and higher

Transitioning your GP to the cloud can benefit your business with better backups, on-demand access anytime and anywhere, better uptime, greater visibility into the operations, and greater flexibility to scale up or down as your business needs change.

There are many reasons to upgrade your system to the cloud and our experienced team is waiting to help you plan your upgrade. Visit or contact us at to discuss your upgrade path.


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