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2013 Requisition Management FAQ's

We’ve been seeing some cases coming in revolving around the new Requisition Manager features in GP 2013 R2, so we wanted to get some of this information out there for everyone!


Problem: I can’t see any requisitions, except for ones that I’ve submitted! I’m assigned as the approver, but I can’t see it in the lookup.

Solution: You need to set up the user to be allowed to see all requisitions displayed. Go to Tools >> Setup >> Purchasing >> Purchase Order Processing >> Requisition, and look for the “Display Requisitions During Entry For:” section, and check the box for “All Requisitions” by the user that you want to grant the access to. Once this is done, re-enter the requisition, and it should now show up for the approver!


Problem: Approval emails aren’t being generated! I can submit, but the approver isn’t receiving an email.

Solution: You need to make sure that you’ve set up the email settings properly under Tools >> Setup >> System >> Workflow Setup. Check the box to “Enable Email for Workflow,” and enter your outgoing SMTP settings. Work with your system administrator if you don’t know what is supposed to be entered here. The Test E-Mail button is your friend!


Problem: Great! Now the emails are sending, but I can’t click to Approve in the email! Clicking the link brings up a page in Internet Explorer that just says “Page Cannot be Displayed.”

Solution: GP Web Services needs to be installed for this to work! In the same Workflow Setup window we had open previously, make sure you’ve typed the name of the server where GP Web Services is installed properly, and that the port is correct. You shouldn’t need to enter the FQDN, just use the NETBIOS name of the machine where Web Services is. Again, the “Test Email Action” button is your friend! Do not check the SSL box, unless you’re actually using SSL! The “Approve” and “Reject” functions are simply embedded links to Web Services, and they are generated using what is in this field. If you check to enable SSL, but you’re not using SSL, you won’t be able to complete the action because the address will contain an extra “s” after “http.”


Problem: When I click the link in the email to view the document, the window opens, and I can view the requisition, but I don’t see the “Approve” or “Reject” buttons!

Solution: The document lookup link in the email is a drill back that opens up the “Inquiry” window. You can’t take action on a requisition from the Inquiry window. You have to use the “Entry” window. This behavior is by design, for licensing and permissions purposes.


Hopefully these tips will help you get started! Stay tuned for more updates from the support teams here!


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  • Dan Peltier Profile Picture Dan Peltier
    Posted at

    You could expose your Web Services externally, so that the approval happens through a publically resolvable external URL. However, this would still prompt for Domain credentials.

  • Community Member Profile Picture Community Member Microsoft Employee
    Posted at

    Dan, is there a way of enabling users Approve/Reject from an Email link without going through Windows Authentication into the Domain?  Let's say the CFO is traveling and he/she is in the airport and was unable to VPN into the network.  It seems, the Email Approve/Reject functionality does not work if one does not enter their Domain credentials.