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Common Error: Microsoft Office Web Components Required for Display

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There are some reports in Dynamics AX 2012 that require Add-in components. In the Human Resources module, when you open the Department skill analysis report, you will get an error if a certain software components are not installed:

To access the report, go to:

Human resources > Inquiries > Skill analysis > Department.Common Error Microsoft Office 1


Enter the report criteria and click OK.Common Error Microsoft Office 2


Then this displays in an infolog:

“Microsoft Office Web Components 2003, an add-in for Office 2003, is required to display this form but is not installed.”

If you get the following error, there are very simple corrective actions that you can take.Common Error Microsoft Office 3

The software required is Microsoft Office Web Components 11, or owc11.exe. Follow the link below in your browser and complete the download steps. Error Microsoft Office 4Common Error Microsoft Office 5



Click Run to install the downloaded software.Common Error Microsoft Office 6

Accept the License agreement terms and click Install.Common Error Microsoft Office 7

Wait for the installation to complete.Common Error Microsoft Office 8


Click OK to confirm that the installation has completed.Common Error Microsoft Office 9

Restart the application after installation is complete, then reopen the AX application. The report displays correctly, without error. You can now view certain data access pages and published reports without an Office 2003 license.



The post Common Error: Microsoft Office Web Components Required for Display appeared first on Arbela Tech.


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