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Announcing Forum Attachment Improvements!

Scott_iTalent Profile Picture Scott_iTalent Community Manager

We're excited to announce that attachments for replies in forums and improved messaging for attachment scanning are both live in the Community!


Attachments for replies

Before this release, only the original author of the thread was able to attach files such as images and documents when replying to posts in the forum. But while users may have liked to share additional information to clarify the issue or provide a comprehensive solution, that was not possible.


Until today! Now, users who reply to threads have the same capability.




Improved messaging for attachment scanning

While attachments have always been scanned for potential threats before they were accessible, it was not always clear that this was the case.

Now, when the file is uploaded a message will be displayed: "Your file is currently under scan for potential threats. Please wait while we review it for any viruses or malicious content."

If the uploaded file scan fails for any reason, authors of the post will be notified with the message "File scan failed." and the link will not be accessible.


We hope these improvements provide the additional capabilities and confidence necessary to more effectively investigate and share solutions together!




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