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Error when running a Manufacturing Standard Cost Rollup/Replace in GP: 'You can't revalue inventory because there are unposted shipment or shipment/invoice transactions in Purchase Order Processing'

Hi Everyone,

If you are running a Standard cost rollup/replace process and receive the error "You can't revalue inventory because there are unposted shipment or shipment/invoice transactions in Purchase Order Processing, you may have some receipts in POP that you may need to take care of first. 

When you run the revalue then you may not have an unposted POP transaction for any item that is being replaced.  That is the design. 

Steps to correct

Step 1

Let's go through and verify there are no PO batches.

1. Open the Purchasing Batch Entry window (Transactions - Purchasing - Purchasing Batches) and check for any unposted batches in Purchase Order Processing. If you find any batches, view the transactions in them and either post or delete them.

2. Open the Receivings Transaction Entry window (Transactions - Purchasing - Receivings Trx Entry). Do a lookup on Receipt Number and verify that there are not any unposted receipts listed here. If you find any, you must delete or post them. Also check Purchase Returns to verify there are no unposted batches.

3. Open the Purchasing Invoice Entry window (Transactions - Purchasing - Enter/Match Invoices). Do a lookup on Receipt Number and verify that there are not any unposted receipts listed here. If you find any, you must delete or post them.

4. Open the Returns Batches window (Transactions - Purchasing -Return Batches and check for any unposted batches in Returns. If you find any batches, view the transaction in them and either post or delete them

5. From time to time, the above methods are followed, and the message continues to appear. We have found a few cases where there was an abandoned record in the POP10310 causing the error. If you have deleted all batches and the related transactions, there should not be any records in this table. However, do perform a search on this table. If you find a record, you will need to delete it so that the Replace Costs can be completed. Do a backup of your database prior to deleting any records.

Select * from POP10310

Delete POP10310 where dex_row_id=’enter the dex_row_id’

Step 2

Contact the support desk


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