Most retail organizations have already set up an eCommerce site that has helped them grow their market reach and increase revenue through online sales. These organizations have likely also already established a strong online presence and grown their brand recognition. Many also follow current industry trends including promo offers, such as free shipping, personalizing and customizing the online experience for their customers and offering options for mobile shopping. However, retail organizations that run Microsoft Dynamics and have a separate web store could benefit from implementing an integrated eCommerce solution.
Managing an eCommerce site can be a lot of work. The best way to streamline this process is to deploy a web store that completely integrates with a business’s Microsoft Dynamics. This allows frontend selling from a web store to be centrally managed alongside back-office operations, all from one platform.
With an integrated eCommerce site, retailers only have to manage one database in their Microsoft Dynamics ERP. All inventory information, pricing and product descriptions are updated real time on a web store when a change is made in the ERP. This prevents sales of out-of-stock items while also creating a more informed customer.
Another benefit of an integrated eCommerce platform for businesses in the retail industry is fulfillment and order tracking. When a customer places an order, fulfillment processes directly in the ERP. This then triggers an email to be sent to that customer with tracking information about their purchase including a tracking number and URL. From there, the customer can take the tracking number and follow up on delivery from the shipping carrier’s website.
Not only does k-eCommerce offer an eCommerce solution that completely integrates with Microsoft Dynamics AX, GP, NAV and CRM, but also one that is responsive and available in B2B, B2C and E2B environments in order to function with any business model. This solution not only alleviates the pain of a non-integrated eCommerce site, but also helps organizations deliver a seamless experience across all sales channels through responsive web design. Learn more about the k-eCommerce solution by following this link.
Contact k-eCommerce today to setup a demo and learn how an integrated eCommerce site will
- Create more efficient order processing
- Reduce duplicate data maintenance, leading to increased accuracy and efficiency
- Require less time and resources, which saves money
by k-eCommerce
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