Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018: I need an easier way to manage my existing workflow - COPY WORKFLOW STEPS!! SWEET
We now can copy a workflow step from one workflow to another if they are the same workflow type in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018.
We have the option of only copying the selected workflow step itself, or we can mark the 'Include Sub Steps' option and copy all of the secondary workflow steps that follow the workflow step we're copying.
NOTE: There were some changes included in the January hotfix for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 that we recommend installing.
If you haven't already done so, please look at the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 New Feature Blog Series Schedule page with links to over 30 different new feature blogs!!!
From Derek Albaugh and the GP team, more fun with workflow in GP 2018.
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018: I need an easier way to manage my existing workflow – COPY WORKFLOW STEPS!! SWEET
The post Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018: I need an easier way to
From Derek Albaugh and the GP team, more fun with workflow in GP 2018.
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018:
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