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Management Reporter Configuration Console has stopped working

If the Management Reporter Configuration Console crashes when you open it, the fix is fairly simple. If you get this error:



You’ll want to open the Event Viewer on the MR server and clear the Applications log file.

To resolve this issue please do the following:

1. Open the Event Viewer on the Management Reporter Server.

a. Click Start | Administrative Tools | Event Viewer.

2. Expand the Windows Logs folder.

3. Highlight Application.

4. Right Click Application and select Clear Log.

After this is complete you should be able to open the MR Configuration Console.

Best Regards,



*This post is locked for comments

  • Eddy Yepes Profile Picture Eddy Yepes
    Posted at

    Hi Greg. Excellent post. I faced the same error message. In my case I do work on a remote desktop environment. I fixed it by ensuring the user has admin rights in the server and by setting "EN - English" as the user language.

  • Motz Jensen Profile Picture Motz Jensen 190
    Posted at

    Hi Greg!

    Thank you for the post! I just faced another problem with Management Reporter 2012 CU13 that throws an error message like you saw.

    Look at my forum answer where I describe me findings:

    Take care!
