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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / Microsoft Lystavlen / First Look: A/B testing in ...

First Look: A/B testing in Dynamics 365 for Marketing

Dynamics 365 for Marketing gets better and better. We just published a bunch of features for you to preview. One of these is the highly awaited A/B testing feature.

You can use email A/B testing to test two slightly different email designs on a small part of your target segment to find out which design is more successful, and then automatically send the winning design to the rest of the segment.

To test this out lets start by creating a segment of 10 contacts.

Fig 1: Segment

Next let’s create an email, in which we define an A/B Test (1) with two versions of a subject (version A and version B). Version A (2) will include the First Name (3) of the recipient.

Fig 2: Version A of Subject

… and version B will include the Full Name (3) of the recipient

Fig 3: Version B of Subject

Having created a segment and mail we’ll proceed to create a customer journey and add the two.

When adding the email with the A/B test, you’ll notice the A and B icons in the upper right corner of the email tile. They will be greyed out until you flip the A/B testing switch in the Data task pane. After you flip the switch you can set the A/B testing parameters to your liking.

A/B testing parameters:
1: name of test
2: distribution (percentage to receive version A, and percentage to receive version B)
3: metric – opens or clicks
4: duration – how long to wait before declaring winner
5: fall back – what to do if inclusive test

Fig 4: A/B test configuration

When the Customer Journey goes live it starts out as expected by sending version A to 10% of the segment (one recipient, since the segment holds 10 contacts), and version B to another 10%.

Note the numbers (1) above the email tile reflects the fact the 10 contacts went into to email tile, but eight of them didnt receive an email yet (as expected). They will receive the winning email version once the A/B test concludes.

If we click the View Details link (2) we can understand which two contacts received the test mails.

Fig 5: Customer Journey sends mail to 20%, 80% awaits conclusion of A/B test
Fig 6: 20% of segment members received mail

Opening the first recipients mailbox we see that the recipient (Renee Lo) did receive version A (the first name subject), but didnt open the email.

Fig 7: First recipient, Renee Lo, received version A and did not open the mail

Same thing can be verified on the Insights tab of the contact Renee Lo.

Fig 8: Insights tab reflects the delivery and that mail wasnt opened

Opening the second recipients mailbox we see that the recipient (Diane Prescott) did receive version B (the full name subject), and she did in fact open the email.

Fig 9: Second recipient, Diane Prescott, received version B and did open the mail

Same thing can be verified on the Insights tab of the contact Diane Prescott.

Fig 10: Insights tab reflects the delivery and that mail was opened

Same thing can be verified on the Insights tab of the email (two deliveries, one opens)

Fig 11: Insights tab on customer journey reflects count of deliveries and opens

To end this example we wait the six hours to conclude the A/B test as defined above.

The expected outcome is that the remaining 80% of the segment gets the version B of the email, since the recipient of version A did not open the email, whereas the recipient of version B did open the email.

After the six hours, the customer journey now reflects the fact the all members of the segment recieved an email (as expected).

Fig 12: Customer Journey sent winner mail the remaining 80%

One of the remaining recipients is Eric Gruber (2)

Fig 13: All remaining members of segment incl Eric Gruber recieved the winner mail

And if we open Eric Grubers mailbox, we can verify that he did in fact receive the version B (1) exactly six hours after the A/B test was initiated – 6:17 PM vs 12:17 AM (2)

Fig 14: Eric Gruber recieved the winner mail – version B of Subject

You can now ensure the majority of your segment contacts receives the winning design and be more successful with your email marketing.

Stay tuned for more first looks, including the new email designer, the new segment designer, and more

See also

  • Early access: Design and run A/B test on your email designs – link
  • Dynamics 365 for Marketing August update and early access are rolling out now – link

This was originally posted here.


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