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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / TheMarkChristie / Setting Default App in Dyn...

Setting Default App in Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement

On my current project we have been implementing multiple apps for different areas of the business so they only get access to what they need to, and rather than butcher the sitemap we decided to go down the apps route (Sales/ClickD/Customer Engagement)


Based on the feedback we received from the project team was that "First thing in the morning there are too many clicks and it was difficult to remember which icon they needed to select to get into Dynamics from their Office 365 account.

A quick way to resolve this is by setting a default app - This can be done in your personal settings within the Dynamics Home Portal page. Follow this guide to set it up

  1. Navigate to  or via the Dynamics Option in the App Launcher and select preferences from the top right (These are your personal preferences and need to be updated on a user by user basis.)2018_2D00_08_2D00_01-16_5F00_16_5F00_52_2D00_.png
  2. Get the URL of the App you would like to set as default, you can either right click on the App and copy the address or open the App and copy from the URL.1172.2.png
  3. Paste your URL into Auto-Launch URL and select "OK"  
  4.   1538.4.png
  5. Once saved you will get a completed message5342.3.png
  6. Now when you use the "App Launcher" and select Dynamics it will take you through to your App
  7. 1307.5.png

There is also a great blog from Daniel Hesketh on hiding the default app which can be found here


*This post is locked for comments

  • ScottbudNZ Profile Picture ScottbudNZ 35
    Posted at
    I do not have the User preferences option coming up when I click on the cog. Is there another way to do this?
  • TheMarkChristie Profile Picture TheMarkChristie 10,328
    Posted at

    Hi @Raj

    At the moment it can't be dont via code or group policy

  • Raj Rao Profile Picture Raj Rao
    Posted at

    Can this setting be updated via code?