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How to create a subreport to calculate a distinct total in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online using SSRS BIDS Report

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When writing reports against data for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, I am often faced with limitations of writing dataset queries using Fetch XML. One such limitation I recently faced was trying to get the total value for a set of records.  Normally totals are not an issue. The thing that made this situation difficult was that I was linking to a subset of records having a many-to-one relationship.  This meant the value that I wanted to sum in the report was being duplicated any time multiple child records were found.

In this blog, I am assuming knowledge of writing FetchXML based SSRS reports using BIDS, including how to create and use subreports.  Due to the sensitive nature of my client’s data, I will not be using screenshots or the actual queries used.  I will instead display sample FetchXML and illustrative tables.

The FetchXML for my report looks similar to this:

Picture the data using the amount columns looking something like this:

Using a subreport1

Picture the data using the amount columns looking something like this:

Using a subreport2

The desired result in my report was to display the Payment Amounts on a single row, the month representing the column headers.  My expected results would look something like this:

Using a subreport3

Instead of seeing 4500 for my total, I was getting 10500.  This was confusing until I realized it was due to the Loan Amount being duplicated for every payment.

I was able to get around this was by creating a subreport in BIDS that calculated only the total for Loans.  The dataset for the subreport was copied from the main report; however, I removed the link in the FetchXML to the child records.

The subreport FetchXML looks similar to this:

Using a subreport4

I placed the subreport in my main report where the total had once displayed incorrectly.  The design view of the main report’s table would look similar to this:

Using a subreport5

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By: Jon Angell – Minnesota Microsoft Dynamics CRM Partner

The post How to create a subreport to calculate a distinct total in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online using SSRS BIDS Report appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics CRM Professionals.


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