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$400 off your D365UG/AXUG Summit Nashville ride: Giddy up & register before June 29


Every day, you rely on your user group to power your business with authentic exchanges that boost your knowledge and keep you moving. This fall, step away from the world of net-centered chat and power real-life growth alongside your peers in a lively, engaged environment.

The Early bird deadline is right around the corner on June 29. Register now to save $400 before it’s too late!

Content preview

D365UG/AXUG Summit Nashville, October 10-13, is a can’t-miss conference for the Microsoft Dynamics 365 & AX community. As we shared earlier this month, exclusive sessions will give you a front-row seat to boosting your ability to get the job done every day, with three days’ worth of intensive learning opportunities. From roundtables to general sessions, you’ll geek out for days, swapping secrets with other users you’ll rely on for years to come. Session details will be released next month, but check out our learning track descriptions for a preview of what’s to come.

Infographic - Why you should attend D365UG/AXUG Summit

Join the 63% of professionals who take time to learn skills for their job each year, leading to results like expanded professional networks and career advancement. Like 93% of last years’ Summit survey respondents, who said their objectives for attending the event were met, you too will find value in the wide array of educational and networking opportunities available in Nashville.

We have been making some bold claims about how registering is key to pushing your company forward, now here’s the data to back it up:


Have you seen our first piece of the artwork?
The “Boss of the Plains”, our cowboy trail blazed new terrain and adapted to the modern world, totally undaunted. And so have you - the users of Dynamics - adapted to product updates, new techniques and tools, while refining your use of older product versions. At D365UG/AXUG Summit, we’ll help you figure out how to navigate new (and existing) terrain to make you look like the trailblazer that you are. Learn more about our artwork.

Register now – Early Bird pricing ends in 8 days!

Time is running out to register for D365UG/AXUG Summit at the lowest price we offer. If you are a member of the User Group for Dynamics 365 & AX (D365UG/AXUG), outside of the fantastic value of D365UG/AXUG Summit, save $400 when you register before the Early Bird pricing deadline on Thursday, June 29. Not yet a member? You can also save and gain year-long value when you bundle your conference registration to become a member of the user group. Learn more.

The price may be discounted, but the value is better than ever – it just makes cents! Saddle up and discover why D365UG/AXUG Summit is your key to connecting with Dynamics peers - Click here to register now.


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