Step 1 : Login to D365 Marketing and Navigate to Outbound Marketing > Internal Marketing >
Marketing Form
Step 2: Click New and select Template for Marketing form.
Step 3: Make sure the Form Type is landing Page and Update Contact/Leads is set to only
Contacts. Change the Name if require.
Step 4: Now add or modify fields as required, as this is demo, I will not add or modify any fields,
Just Save and Check for Errors
Step 5: Now Click Go Live and Let it Publish.
Step 6 : Go to Form Hoisting and create new Marketing Form Page.
Step 7: Now Keep the values as default and Change Name if require and hit Save & Close
Step 8: Open the newly created Marketing Form Page and Copy HTML, You can change from
Script to IFrame also.
Step 9: Paste this HTML wherever we want on any website or any other html area, For Demo I
am creating one html page and pasting it there.
Step 10: fill up the details and submit, Contact will create with specified details.
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