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Development in Dynamics 365 For Operations - Model Creation in Visual Studio.


If we want to develop anything in Dynamics 365 for operations, then we have to create a project either by creating a new model (or) selecting existing one either in the existing package (or) by creating a new package. Every element of AOT like table, class, form, queries can be customized only after adding them to specific project. During creation of model, an option is provided to create a project.

Lets have a walk through the process of creation of a model.

Step 1: Create a Model, by launching the create model wizard through the path: Dynamics365 > Model Management > Create a Model.


Step 2: Provide the required details on Add parameters page (as shown below). 


Step 3: Either select the option Create a new package or Select existing package on Select Package page.

Existing package option is chosen if project is over-layering one and new package option is chosen if project is an extension one.


Step 3: On Select referenced packages page, select the required packages to hold the reference. In our example, I selected ApplicationFoundation and ApplicationPlatform as reference packages.


Step 4: On Summary Page, details are displayed. Please choose the option "Create new project" to create a new project.


Step 5: Provide details of the solution. I have named solution name to be CG_SampleOperations.


Solution "CG_SampleOperations" is created with a project "CG_SampleOperations" in the model sample of user layer



Chaitanya Golla


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