Yesterdays post on assigning MenuSuite Menu’s programatically got a lot of hits, and i have been getting a couple of emails about how to create the data for the blob field. In this post I will show how to build the BLOB generator i Dynamics NAV.
The BLOB content is reverse engineered on Mayank’s Extreme Engineering blog.
First we need to define some variables:
- UserMenuLevel – Record User Menu Level
- Stream – OutStream
- Char – Char
- MenuSuiteMenu – Record MenuSuiteMenu, custom table with 3 fields GUID, Name and Enabled (bool)
In this example we just write directly to a already existing User Menu Level. So setup the BLOB for writing:
UserMenuLevel.GET('SOREN-D530\SOREN',UserMenuLevel."ID Type"::Windows,UserMenuLevel.Level::"User Restrictions"); UserMenuLevel.Object.CREATEOUTSTREAM(Stream);
Now we can use the methods of the Stream to write to our BLOB. The BLOB needs to start with 4 bytes indicating the total size of the BLOB – 36 bytes:
// size 4 bytes Size := (95 + (MenuSuiteMenu.COUNT * 32)) - 36; WriteChar4(Size MOD 256,Size DIV 256,Size DIV 256*256,Size DIV 256*256*256);
The first part of the BLOB is a fixed length of 95 bytes + x * 32 bytes for each MenuSuite Menu.
Then there is another fixed section:
// fixed data WriteChar4(8,0,0,0); WriteChar4(1,0,0,0); WriteChar4(12,0,0,0); WriteChar4(100,0,0,0); WriteChar4(1,0,0,0); WriteChar4(1,19,0,0); WriteChar4(7,0,0,0); WriteChar4(1,0,0,0); WriteChar4(44,0,0,0); WriteChar4(12,0,0,0); WriteChar4(1,0,0,0); WriteChar4(20,0,0,0); WriteChar4(100,0,0,0); WriteChar4(0,0,0,0); WriteChar4(1,11,4,0); WriteChar4(0,0,0,0); WriteChar4(2,11,7,0); WriteChar4(0,0,0,0); WriteChar4(0,0,0,0);
Then there is a remaining BLOB len and no. of menusuites we need to set:
// remaining size 4 bytes WriteChar4((Size-44) MOD 256,(Size-44) DIV 256,0,0); WriteChar4(20,0,0,0); // no of menusuites WriteChar4(MenuSuiteMenu.COUNT MOD 256,MenuSuiteMenu.COUNT DIV 256,MenuSuiteMenu.COUNT DIV 256*256,MenuSuiteMenu.COUNT DIV 256*256*256);
Then we write our GUIDS to the BLOB:
//guids go here IF MenuSuiteMenu.FINDSET THEN REPEAT WriteChar4(12,0,0,0); // guid Stream.WRITE(MenuSuiteMenu.GUID); UNTIL MenuSuiteMenu.NEXT = 0;
Notice writing GUIDs to a stream directly, creates them in their right format, and finally set their permissions:
IF MenuSuiteMenu.FINDSET THEN REPEAT WriteChar4(39,221,4,0); IF MenuSuiteMenu.Enabled THEN WriteChar4(0,0,0,0) ELSE WriteChar4(1,0,0,0); WriteChar4(0,0,0,0); UNTIL MenuSuiteMenu.NEXT = 0; UserMenuLevel.MODIFY;
Oh, and you might have wondered, but the WriteChar4 is just a function for writing 4 bytes at the time:
WriteChar4(Char1 : Char;Char2 : Char;Char3 : Char;Char4 : Char) Stream.WRITE(Char1); Stream.WRITE(Char2); Stream.WRITE(Char3); Stream.WRITE(Char4);
That is it. To update your MenuSuite, you can right click in the bottom of it and select refresh. Thanks. If you have a good implementation of it, write about it here. Enjoy!
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