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Microsoft Convergence 2015 – It’s a wrap!

Microsoft Convergence 2015 – It’s a wrap!

Microsoft Convergence 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia

Convergence, #CONV15, is over and what a week it was! ArcherPoint was an Exhibitor sponsor this year. I asked the ArcherPoint team to share their favorite things about Microsoft’s Convergence 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Kyle Hardin: I got to meet one of the best and brightest NAV developers out there – Claus Lundstrom – and took two sessions with him. I learned a whole lot of NAV development.

Courtney Hudson: Dinner with ISV’s Dynamic Web and Perfion. We now have a better understanding of what their products can do together for the market.

Crystal Tollison: The One Republic concert!

Mark Ward: I enjoyed handing out name badges at the Client Appreciation Dinner. Many of the clients I had not met and it was nice to thank each one of them personally.

Greg Kaupp: Favorite moments included eating at Pittypat’s Porch, an Atlanta institution, and the One Republic concert, where our friend from ChargeLogic, Karen Tran, was showing off her dance moves.

Quentin Martin: Seeing clients and Greg’s comment that the concert needed more cowbell (from the SNL skit). Good times.

For me, my favorite is that it was in Atlanta, home of the ArcherPoint corporate headquarters. This gave our Atlanta-based employees the opportunity to get to know our clients on a personal level at the ArcherPoint Client Appreciation Dinner. Great company, awesome food, and a spectacular view at Nikolai’s Roof. I also really enjoyed seeing Seth Godin speak!

The most exciting news for existing Microsoft Dynamics NAV users is that Microsoft encouraged them to join NAVUG and attend the Summit conference in October, stating that this is where the technical (functional) training sessions will be from here on out. We’ll be there, and we hope to see you #INreno15!

For those that registered but missed sessions, check out the Microsoft Convergence Video Library.

This was originally posted here.


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