When creating and sending an email from D365, the default functionality will populate the FROM sender as the user creating the email. Depending on a users role within the organisation, if they work on a team managing cases or other shared work, emails may need to all come from one email address. The users email address needs to be accurate in the system so we can’t change that, but we can use a queue combined with a workflow to send emails from queue rather than the user.
First, go to Settings, Business Management then click on Queues.
Create your queue (if you don’t have one already) by using your group email address in the incoming email. Save the queue.
At the top of the queue, click on Open Mailbox. From here, a user with Global Administrator (Office 365) access should click on Approve Email. One approved, then Test & Enable Mailbox to allow emails to be sent out from this email address via D365.
Once the queue is set up and the mailbox is approved and enabled, create a new workflow. Make sure it’s a real-time workflow so it will run before the email gets sent out. Make sure it starts After the record is created, and Before the record status changes.
Your workflow should look something like this. Created By isn’t needed if this should be changed for all users. However, if it should only happen for SOME users, or under specific circumstances (if regarding a case for example) make sure you build this in to the conditions.
When updating the email, set the properties to use the queue you set up as the From object.
When a user creates a new email, their name will still show as the From person.
Once Send is clicked the workflow will run, and the From will be switched from the user creating the email to the queue you selected instead. This way the users will not have to remember to change it over each time they create a new email.
The post Automatically Send Emails From A Queue appeared first on Megan V. Walker.
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